The Backyardigans is a children’s show on Nickelodeon that is very popular among children. This show revolves around the adventures that have five characters, namely Pablo, Tyrone, Uniqua, Tasha and Austin. In each episode, friends imagine that themselves adventure in distant places, such as digging dinosaur bones in the desert or a trip to the center of the earth. This event can use to plan Backyardigans theme for your child’s birthday party. Have the opportunity to make birthday invitations are fun and creative.
You can find Backyardigans birthday invitations at a party store or find it for free via online. However, if you want a more personal invitation to you and save the party budget, you can create your own invitations.
Make your own invitations is very easy, Backyardigans characters colored print images from your computer and paste it on colored card stock to your liking. Choose the color of card stock in accordance with the character that you create. You can use blue for characters Pablo, Austin and purple to orange to Tyrone.
Then write the party details written with thick markers in character. Write the party details such as date, time, location and RSVP information. Finally send an invitation to your child’s friends.