It is always exciting to plan for the first baby’s birthday. Now we are going to take a look at Dr. Seuss theme for the invitations. For you who are still confused about the birhday idea, considering dr. Seuss could be a great option. The cute character can be easily combined with everything from colors, frame, ornaments and so on. So you only need to use your imagination to make a good one.
If you are a type of busy people, you can go to online stores and chech out so many dr. Seuss personalized templates. Some of them are free and printable, while the others are payable. You can either choose a photo or non photo template as you wish. For me, I like the one with a photo in the template to cherish our lovely child’s photograph. In etsy, there so many cute seuss templates that might interest you. Since dr. Seuss might be normally combined with red and blue color, you will find quite many similar designs on the stores.
My favorite one is the seuss chalkboard design. It has a giant hatched birthday boy’s name at the top center and a transparant ribbon said “first birthday” under the name. Then they put the wording and some details nicely at the remaining space using different fonts and colors. Dr. Seuss character stands on the left and there are also some fish images attached on the right. The overall design is super amazing, offering another impression of dr. Seuss figure.