Pixie is a delicate creature that will give a funny theme for a birthday party your daughter. Small and winged that will inspire ideas for a fairy party invitations. Fairies are known to live under the flowers and pull all the laughter of children. You can put the magic into your invitations and let guests know that they akana attend a esta adventure and not just a regular birthday party.
Making fairy party invitations fairy is very easy and uncomplicated. Prepare invitations and cut into desired shapes. Some ideas for invitations fairy is shaping up to be a flower or merely cut into rectangular shapes. Write your party details. The flower-shaped invitations, you can use a gel pen to write the information in dekitar flower circle.
Ornamental invitation like adding a sticker fairy wand in the petals and glue stipker in the invitation as well. You can find an assortment of fairy stickers at the craft store, add stars, wand and tiara fairy remedy sweeten your invitation.
Finally, insert the envelope into the invitations and add fairy dust. Fairy dust could of fine colored glitter, and when the guests open their invitations will be very happy because the magic dust out.