Who love prehistoric times? The times when you got to learn about dinosaur, the big animal that walks on earth long before human reside. When we learn about them, it is never ending, so you got a wide variety to learn. And one of the great movies that is bringing along prehistoric times is Ice Age.
We are sure that you already know about this movie, a friendship that builds between three different species, together they walk through all the disaster. And we got inspire by their beautiful friendship, that’s why we make (Free Editable) Ice Age Canva Birthday Water Bottle Labels, a package of water bottle labels for a your birthday party.
Ice Age family is here to make your party become history; you don’t have a second chance to experience this, right? And while the themes are here, you can start to plan for your own fantastic birthday.
How about a way to download them? Don’t worry, we will show you the way! Come with me in this little adventure of steps by steps:
1. If you want to download them, choose the one you like then click on the right-mouse, if you use a computer or you can press on the pic no more than three seconds if you use a phone, until an option will comes out
2. Choose the one with ‘save image as’, you can save them anywhere you want inside your device. If you are done choosing the place to save it, click ‘save’
3. Now, your water bottle labels finally yours!
But, if you want to edit them, we provide the Canva template links below. You can just click on it and you will be redirect immediately to the chosen Canva templates. On a side note, if you want to print them, water bottle label works best with multi-purpose paper. Happy birthday and may you have a nice day!