In many families,two or more children may celebrate birthdays in the same month, many of them may decide to celebrate their birthdays together. Of course, each child should be recognized as special on his birthday. Although it’s a joint birthday, make sure the have their own special time, friends and gifts at the party. If you’re planning to held joint birthday invitation, creating your own invitation is the best way to save your money and tighten your belt. This way, you can customize any invitation to suit with your birthday theme. You can start by taking a photo of each child dressed in their theme, for example, medieval party ideas, then you should take their photo as knight or princess. You can read how to word medieval party in this site.
If one child wants a clown party and one child want medieval party, you can write down different invitation or together. Make sure that you give clear information and separate description of the party under your child’s photo.If the children are of similar ages, they can share a theme for their joint party. It’s the easiest way of joint party to throw, it can be one type of party, one shared cake, and one invitation sent to each guest. Here are some example of joint birthday invitations, you can browse and I hope you will inspired.
As you can see, you can browse our collection. We attach some joint birthday invitation ideas, as attached, you can see photograph birthday invitation that show your child’s pictures with the other one.
It’s no matter if you have two children with different ages and theme. Give contrast color to show that you’ve different party. We called it animals joint birthday invitation
It’s Jedi Star Wars and Disney Princesses come into one big party. It become so interesting if they meet each other. This party comes with one shared cake and location.
Brother and sisters birthday celebration, with tractors ideas and cake.
It’s just perfect if you have two daughter have same party theme. Royal Joint Birthday invitation is the best one and most popular.
Hey, not only children, if you’re 50, you can also held joint birthday party too. It’s fun and save your money.