A rainbow themed party would be a fun event for your child and involve a rainbow in your invitation. This will be a fun art craft and takes little time and there could also invite you to participate. Sit a moment with your child and make a simple party invitation and show guests that you want them to come to the party.
Start by measuring the rainbow on paper. White construction paper will be very good for you to use. Make the top of the rainbow by taking a string add a few inches to the length you want. Mark each rainbow and mark the top and bottom of the rainbow, take five lines to separate the six bands.
Then cut a rainbow shape using scissors, cut carefully. When you have finished cutting, start to paint a rainbow in accordance with your wishes. If you prefer, you can do this before you cut the rainbow. To garnish, take six cotton balls for each section of the rainbow and place the tip of the rainbow. It will cater to the cloud, make sure to use enough glue to keep them in place.
Do not forget to write your party information using different ink color with markers. You can use any bands with different details. But most important, you have to enter the details of the party, so that your invitation is not only creative, but also functional.