Almost all little boys are a big fan of thomas and friends. The talking tank engine will also nice to be put on his birthday invitations. Mark your son’s big day with one of thomas design invites to spread the cheer among your family and friends. The tank can be combined by various layout with or without a photo. Make sure you come up with the best one that suit your little boy’s style.
If you don’t have much time to make your own design, you can simply go to birthday online store. My favorite one is a design which has a chalkboard touch from etsy. The paper is simply devided into two sides. On the right, they put a thomas train image with fresh blue wave background. On the other side, there is an invitation wording and the detail info in chalkboard style. I like the less colorful structuring they made along with a series of colorful triangle flag at the top.
They also made it to combine frozen and thomas theme in a joint invite. It has a big pentagon in the middle which is parted into two sides. The thomas side, which is on the left, has a strong blue wave frame and a blue font. On the other hand, the frozen side has a lovely pink wave frame and a pink font. You can also select a photo invites that can be put nicely on the template. To enliven the theme, you can use words such as “all aboard!”, “Don’t be late!”, or even “Choo-choo”.