Birthday is a matter that anticipated by everyone. Many ways in which to welcome wow the guest of honor and featured vintage creative birthday. This theme is perfect for birthday parties of all ages. You can make your own invitations using your computer at home and save you the cost for your party. But you can also make the invitations without using a computer.
Show a classic work of art on your invitation. Use a timeless image, like an animal, person or victoria fruit design. Make the title of the invitation conformity with the vintage theme you want, for example, you will create a wine theme then you can write words such as “Carolanne Birthday Cabernet Savignon”
Choose the font style dramatic letters to give the impression of a vintage look. Or you can also use a serif font and print style that has survived till centuries. Choose paper for your invitations, depending on whether you are going to print on your own computer or to be drawn by hand. You can find the paper office supply stores.
Make the invitation design on the computer and add pictures and text. enter symbols and decorative border invitations. Print the invitation and allow the ink to dry. Write the details of the party at the last minute.