Maybe in the near future, you will plan a birthday party “Hollywood” or “Rockstar” to your teen. You could consider creating an invitation that looks like a real VIP. Invitations will be an advanced function to inform your guests about the party and will also be fun. You can find them at any grocery store or department store supplier, but you can make your own at home to save on costs.
Open a new document in Microsoft Word on your computer. Create a text box with a height of 5 inches by 3 ½ inches. Then click on the text box and navigate to the “picture”. Use the picture to your liking. Some idea of the picture you can try is “VIP” and “Red Carpet”. If you have found an image, then enter.
Then choose the “Format Picture” to move the graphics you want. Then open the menu select “Font” to change the text. You can use “Arial Rounded MT Bold,” “Broadway” and “Batik Regular”. Do not forget to write down the basic details of the party, such as date, time, location and RSVP details. Then write in big bold letters that wrote the “All Access Pass”.
Next, Go to “Tools,” point to “Letters and Mailings,” and click on “Envelopes and Labels.” Click on “Options” and select the label number “5168.” Then click “New Document” and a new page will open.
Return to VIP document that has been created. And press “ctrl + A” and return to the first label and press “Ctrl + V” to paste. Save and print on card stock. The final step, cut the individual passes and laminates using hot laminating paper and make a hole in each of the top and do not forget to include a lanyard.